初の完全招待制ライブ「十明 LIVE 2024 “NEW ERA”」8月に開催決定!

2024.07.05 TOPICS


自身の楽曲を携えて行う初のワンマンライブです。この貴重なライブにSpotify、Apple Music、YouTube、Amazon Music、LINE MUSICのリスナーの皆さま合計100名様を無料でご招待します。


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公演タイトル:十明 LIVE 2024 “NEW ERA”



開演:19:45頃予定 / 終演:20:30頃予定




















◆Apple Musicリスナーの方

下記URLより、Apple Musicにて十明の「NEW ERA」もしくは「夜明けのあなたへ」をライブラリ追加いただき、ライブラリ追加したことが分かる画面をスクリーンショットして下さい。必要事項をご記入の上、以下の応募フォームよりご応募ください。

※既に「NEW ERA」「夜明けのあなたへ」をライブラリ追加いただいている方もご応募可能です。







◆Amazon Musicリスナーの方

下記URLより、Amazon Musicで十明のアーティストページをフォローしていただき、フォローしたことが分かる画面をスクリーンショットして下さい。必要事項をご記入の上、以下の応募フォームよりご応募ください。



◆LINE Musicリスナーの方

下記URLより、LINE MUSICで十明のアーティストページに「いいね♥」していただき、「いいね♥」したことが分かる画面をスクリーンショットして下さい。必要事項をご記入の上、以下の応募フォームよりご応募ください。







Toaka LIVE 2024  “NEW ERA” Entry Form


Toaka will hold all invitational premium showcase in Tokyo. This is her first show performing her own music so if you’re in town, don’t miss it!

Please read below instructions carefully and enter to win the premium ticket.

*Entry form is only available in Japanese.*
For non-residence, please enter your hotel or address where you will be staying in Japan.


【Show Info】

Title: Toaka LIVE 2024 “NEW ERA”

Date: Aug. 9, 2024

Venue: in Tokyo

Show start: 7:45 p.m.

Show end: 8:30 p.m.

*Details of the venue will be informed only to the winners.

*This is a free show but ¥600 drink fee will be collected at the entrance.

*This show is all invitational. Tickets are not available for purchase.


【Entry Period】

July 5, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. – July 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.(JP)

*Entry is only accepted during the above-mentioned period.

*Entry page might get busy closer to the deadline. Please make sure to give yourself enough time to complete the form.


【Entry Form】



Listen to Toaka >>> https://lnk.to/toaka_ap


【How to Enter】

◆For Spotify users

Follow Toaka’s artist page from the below link and take a screen shot for proof of follow. Complete the entry form and submit.

*You don’t need to be a new follower. If you are already following Toaka, of course you can enter!


◆For Apple Music users

Add Toaka “NEW ERA” or “Dear my dawning” to your library from the below link and take a screen shot for proof. Complete the entry form and submit.

*If you already have the songs in your library, of course you can enter!


◆For YouTube channel users

Subscribe to Toaka’s official YouTube channel and take a screen shot for proof. Complete the entry form and submit.

Toaka YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@toaka_official

*You don’t need to be a new subscriber. If you are already a subscriber, of course you can enter!


◆For Amazon Music users

Follow Toaka’s artist page from the below link and take a screen shot for proof of follow. Complete the entry form and submit.

*You don’t need to be a new follower. If you are already following Toaka, of course you can enter!


◆For LINE Music users

Go to the below link and “LIKE♥” Toaka’s artist page of LINE MUSIC and take a screen shot for proof. Complete the entry form and submit.

*You don’t need to be a new follower. If you are already following Toaka, of course you can enter!


【Result Announcement】
*Winners will be notified by e-mail on Aug. 2, 2024.

*Make sure you can receive e-mail from【@mail.universal-music.co.jp】and【@umusic.com】 as we cannot re-send e-mails.
*Details of the show will only be sent to the winners.

*Only the winner will be allowed to enter the show.

*ID will be checked at the entrance. Please read the e-mail for more instructions.
*Winners are responsible to cover the cost of transportation and accommodation to attend the show.
*In case the show gets cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, organizer will not be held responsible for any cost incurred from the cancellation, including transportation and/or accommodation.
*Information on this page is subject to change without prior notice.


*Only 1 entry per person
*Errors and incorrect information registered may result in cancellation or loss of rights to participate in this campaign.

*If you’re 18 or under, make sure to enter with permission from your parents or guardian.

*We are not able to give any information on the result of the lottery.

*You may not change the information after submitting your entry so please make sure to register correct and valid information.

*Make sure you can receive e-mail from【@mail.universal-music.co.jp】and【@umusic.com】 as we cannot re-send e-mails.
*If you wish to receive newsletters from Universal Music, you can sign up.  Visit here for more info(only in Japanese)  
*Ages 16 and under cannot sign up for newsletters.
*Make sure to read instructions on Toaka’s UNIVERSAL MUSIC official website before entering.


≪Privacy protection and management policy ≫

* This privacy policy sets out the basis on which any information we collect from you, or that you provide to us, through this website, application or service will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your information and how we will treat it.




Universal Music Customer Service Center (service provided only in Japanese)

TEL 0570-044-088 Mon-Fri 10:00~18:00 (except holidays)



*Winners will be notified by e-mail on Aug. 2, 2024.

*You may not change the information you have submitted.