レディー・ガガは2011年3月の東日本大震災の発生からちょうど10週間後に東京に到着しました。ジョン・V・ルース駐日米国大使も参加した2011年6月23日のMTV Video Music Aid Japanの記者会見で、レディー・ガガは「日本の為に祈りを」と日本語で書かれたティーカップに口を付ける仕草をしてみせました。そしてルース大使や報道関係者に対し、自身の「日本への愛」と、日本国民を支援し、励ましたいという気持ちを語りました。その会見の席ではレディー・ガガから、ティーカップを日本支援のためにオークションに出品するという発表もありました。
詳細はTOMODACHIサイトで www.usjapantomodachi.org
Lady Gaga TOMODACHI Auction to Support Artists
Just ten weeks after the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and
nuclear disaster that hit Japan in March 2011, Lady Gaga arrived in
Tokyo. In an MTV Video Music Aid Japan-sponsored press event with
U.S. Ambassador to Japan John V. Roos on June 23, 2011, she sipped
from a ceramic teacup with the phrase “We pray for Japan” written
in Japanese across the front. She spoke with the Ambassador and the
media about her love for Japan and her desire to support and
encourage the Japanese people. During the event she announced her
intention to auction the teacup to help Japan.
Now, Lady Gaga is returning to Japan to keep her word. She will remind the world that Japan - particularly the younger generation - still needs our help. In addition to performing a concert, Lady Gaga will turn the words expressed on the teacup into action by auctioning off the cup on Yahoo! Japan Auctions starting from April 30, 2012 at 12:00pm to May 6, 2012 at 11:00pm. The online site for the auction is http://topic.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/charity/2011sanrikuoki_ms/post_166/index.html.
The winning bidder will not only receive the teacup, but will contribute to a greater cause.After the completion of the auction, one hundred percent of the funds generated will go to the TOMODACHI Arts Fellowship Program, which will be executed in partnership with an implementing organization.
The TOMODACHI Arts Fellowship Program will enable Japanese university students and young people the opportunity to pursue their artistic dreams by joining one year programs at specialized institutes in the United States in areas such as music, art, film, dance, song, theater, fashion, design, and digital media among others. It is part of TOMODACHI, a public-private partnership that supports Japan’s recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and invests in the next generation of Japanese and Americans in ways that strengthen cultural and economic ties, and deepen the friendship between the United States and Japan over the long-term. A joint U.S.-Japan initiative, TOMODACHI is led by the United States Government and the U.S.-Japan Council, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is supported by the Japanese Government as well as corporations, organizations, and individuals from the United States and Japan. For more information, visit http://usjapantomodachi.org.