Answer to Remember
彼のホームというべき音楽基地がAnswer to Remember。

2019年に始動し、ファースト・アルバム『Answer to Remember』をリリース。以降、ライヴを通じて熱狂的なファンを増やしてきた。
現メンバーは、佐瀬悠輔(trumpet)、MELRAW(alto saxophone, guitar)、中島朱葉(alto saxophone)、馬場智章(tenor saxophone)、若井優也(piano, keyboards)、海堀弘太(piano, keyboards)、マーティ・ホロベック(bass)、Taikimen(percussion)。
Shun Ishiwaka is drummer/producer who has been sought out for numerous sessions and recordings in a variety of genres. Answer to Remember is his home base for music.
Shun started the project in 2019 and released the first album “Answer to Remember.” Since then, they have built up an enthusiastic fanbase through their live shows.

The current members are Yusuke Sase (trumpet), MELRAW (alto saxophone, guitar), Akiba Nakashima (alto saxophone), Tomoaki Baba (tenor saxophone), Yuya Wakai (piano, keyboards), Kota Kaihori (piano, keyboards), Marty Holoubek (bass) and Taikimen (percussion).